Wild Blackberry Jam Recipes That Will Make Your Mouth Water
There are not many outdoor culinary pursuits like picking your own wild blackberries. It’s great to get out into the fresh air, get some exercise and pick your own food for free from the hedgerows.
Take the kids along and get them involved in some supervised blackberry picking and jam making!
Here is our wonderful collection of homemade blackberry preserve recipes for you to make and enjoy.
The sweet taste of summertime is captured in these wild blackberry jam recipes. The perfect combination of tart and sweet, these spreads are sure to please your palate. Whether you’re looking for a traditional jam or something with a little more zing, these recipes have got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start picking those blackberries!
6 lb. blackberries
6 1/2 lb. sugar
1 pint water
For this traditional blackberry jam choose some fruit which is under-ripe to mix with the ripe fruit; it will be a better colour and set more quickly.
Put the fruit and water into a pan or large jar, and simmer until the fruit is all pulped and the weight reduced a little. Pass the pulp through a sieve, only pressing it lightly.
Wash the preserving pan, dry it thoroughly, then grease it with a little butter. Pour in the juice, add the sugar, and when it has dissolved, boil until a little of the jam sets when tested on a cold plate. Pot up and seal.
Should only really ripe berries be available, they will have so little acid in them that it will be better to add 4 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice to the above quantities of fruit and sugar to secure a quicker, better setting.
6 lb. blackberries
3 lb. cooking apples
3/4 pint water
Sort the blackberries over and put them into a pan with a teacupful of water. Place over gentle heat and cook until tender, then press through a sieve to remove the seeds.
After peeling and coring, slice the apples and place in a pan with 2 teacupfuls of water, and cook these also until tender enough to beat with the back of a wooden spoon. Add the blackberries then weigh or measure the mixture and add 3/4 lb. of sugar to each pound of pulp.
Dissolve the sugar, stir well together; bring to the boil; boil slowly until the jam sets when tested. Put into hot jars and cover down immediately.
5 lb. blackberries
5 lb. sugar
3 lb. damsons
Pick over the fruit, and put the damsons and blackberries and 2 teacupfuls of water into a pan or large jar. Cover closely, stand in a very moderate oven until the damsons get loosened from the stones. Rub through a colander, place pulp in preserving pan, bring just to the boil before adding the sugar.
Let the sugar dissolve. Bring preserve to boiling point, and give it exactly 20 minutesā boil. Test for setting; if ready, put into hot jars and cover at once.
4 lb. firm ripe blackberries
4 lb. marrow, weighed after peeling
3 lemons, juice, and rinds and seeding
6 lb. sugar
Sort over the blackberries, which must not be too ripe. Peel the marrow, remove seeds, cut into pieces about an inch square, and put into preserving pan with about 1 pint of water. Place over gentle heat. Peel the lemons and put the thin rinds into a piece of muslin, drop into the preserving pan. Strain the juice from the lemons and add. Simmer all until blackberries and marrow are thoroughly pulped. Remove rinds and stir in the Sugar; let it dissolve, stir while coming to the boil, then
boil fast, testing a little on a cold plate from time to time for setting. Pot up into hot jars and cover at once, Store in a dry place.